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Mateusz Strzelecki - Polarcoasts

About Me

I'm a coastal geomorphologist interested in mechanisms controlling the evolution of coasts in polar regions. I'm particularly interested how  quickly do Arctic and Antarctic coastal environments respond to rapid deglaciation and the paraglacial transformation of proglacial areas. 

My recent work focus on the following areas: After postgraduate studies in physical geography at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan, Poland I have completed a PhD at Department of Geography, Durham University under the supervision of Professor Antony Long and Dr Jerry Lloyd. I was a visiting researcher at University Centre in Svalbard and Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research in Potsdam.

I'm currently a National Science Centre Postdoctoral Fellow at Department of Geomorphology, University of Wroclaw and a leader of polar coasts research group. 

My research and academic career has been supported by the National Science Centre in Poland, Foundation for Polish Science, Crescendum Est Polonia Foundation, Ministry of Science and Higher Education in Poland, Research Council of Norway, German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), IASC and National Science Foundation.

Research Projects

2014-2017: UMO-2013/11/B/ST10/00283; ‘POROCO - Mechanisms controlling evolution and geomorphology of rocky coasts in polar climatesMechanizmy kontrolujące ewolucję i National Science Centre OPUS project – Project leader

2014-2016: Assessment of impact of coastal hazards on scientific and urban infrastructure in polar regions using remote sensing, geoinformation and new geomorphological mapping methods – Foundation for Polish Science HOMING PLUS/2013-8/12 - Project leader

2012-2013: UMO-2013/08/S/ST10/00585; ‘Model of interaction of paraglacial and periglacial processes in a coastal zone and its influence on development of Arctic litoral relief National Science Centre FUGA project – Project leader

2012-2013: HACOSE – Multitemporal analysis of High Arctic Coastal Systems Evolution – Braganzavegen and Bjonapynten, Svalbard - YGGDRASIL mobility programme Research Council of Norway 

2011-2013: UMO-2011/01/B/ST10/01553 ‘Tsunami and ice-berg roll events record in coastal lacustrine environments of Greenland - implications for reconstruction of sea-level history, ice-stream dynamics and assessment of natural hazards’. National Science Centre OPUS project – Lead investigator

2010-2012: Nr 1520.0910: Models of Paraglacial Coastal Barriers in the High Arctic" Źródło finansowania: National Environmental Research Council, vice-leader

2008-2011: Nr  N N306 284335: The functioning of polar coast geoecosystem based on examples from Spitsbergen. Ministry of Science and Higher Education in Poland – Project leader

2007-2010: Nr NN 305098835 The functioning of modern geoecostystems in the surroundings of Petuniabukta. Actual state, hazards, protection. Ministry of Science and Higher Education in Poland – field assistant and 2008 expedition leader

2005-2007: Nr  PBZ-KBN-108/PO4/2004 Structure, evolution and the dynamics of litosphere, cryosphere and biosphere in European sector of the Artic and the Antarctic.  Ministry of Science and Higher Education in Poland – field assistant

Selected Publications

Strzelecki M.C., Long A.J., Lloyd J.M., 2015.  Post-Little Ice Age development of a High Arctic paraglacial  beach complex. Permafrost and Periglacial processes DOI: 10.1002/ppp.1879
Zagórski P., Rodzik J., Moskalik M., Strzelecki M.C., Lim M., Błaszczyk M., Promińska A., Kruszewski G., Styszyńska A., Malczewski A., 2015.  Multidecadal (1960–2011) shoreline changes in Isbjørnhamna (Hornsund, Svalbard). Polish Polar Research 36/4 , 369–390.
Sessford E., Strzelecki M.C., Hormes A., 2015. Reconstruction of Holocene patterns of change in a High Arctic coastal landscape, Southern Sassenfjorden, Svalbard. Geomorphology 234, 98-107. 
Buchwał A., Szczuciński W., Strzelecki M.C., Long A.J., 2015. New insights into the 21 November 2000 tsunami in West Greenland from analyses of the tree−ring structure of Salix glauca. Polish Polar Research 36/1:51-65. 
Overduin P. P., Strzelecki M. C., Grigoriev M. N., Couture N., Lantuit H., St-Hilaire-Gravel D., Günther F.  and Wetterich S., 2014. Coastal changes in the Arctic. In: Martini I.P., Wanless H.R. (eds.) Sedimentary Coastal Zones from High to Low Latitudes: Similarities and Differences. Geological Society, London, Special Publications 388,103 - 129. 
Małecki J., Faucherre S., Strzelecki M.C., 2013. Post-surge geometry evolution and thermal structure of Hørbyebreen, central Spitsbergen, Svalbard Archipelago. Polish Polar Research 34/3, 305-321.     
Long A.J, Strzelecki M.C., Lloyd J.M., Bryant C., 2012. Dating High Arctic Holocene relative sea level changes using juvenile articulated marine shells in raised beaches. Quaternary Science Reviews 48 (2012) 61-66. Evans D.J., Strzelecki M.C., Milledge D., Orton C., 2012. Hørbyebreen polythermal glacial landsystem, Svalbard. Journal of Maps 8(2): 146-156.        
Strzelecki M.C., 2011. Schmidt hammer tests across a recently deglacierized rocky coastal zone in Spitsbergen - is there a ‘coastal amplification’ of rock weathering in polar climates? Polish Polar Research 32/3, 239-252.       

Strzelecki M.C., 2011. Cold shores in warming times – current state and future challenges in High Arctic coastal geomorphological studies. Quaestiones Geographicae 30/3, 103-115.    
Strzelecki M., 2009. Suspended and solute transport in small glaciated catchment Bertram river, Central Spitsbergen, in 2005-2006. Norwegian Journal of Geography 63:2, 98-106.    

Strzelecki M., 2007. The dynamics of suspended and dissolved transport in a High-Arctic glaciated catchment in ablation seasons 2005 and 2006, Bertram River, Central Spitsbergen. Landform Analysis, vol. 5. 

Book Chapters

Strzelecki M.C., Malecki J., Zagórski P., 2015. The Influence of Recent Deglaciation and Associated Sediment Flux on the Functioning of Polar Coastal Zone – Northern Petuniabukta, Svalbard. In (Maanan M., Robin M., eds.) Sediment Fluxes on Coastal Areas. Coastal Research Library 10, Springer. 23 – 45.pp
Zagórski P., Rodzik J., Strzelecki M.C., 2015. Processes controlling the past and recent evolution of coastal environments in the southern Bellsund, Svalbard. In: Migała K., Owczarek P., Kasprzak M., Strzelecki M.C. (eds.), New perspectives in polar research, Publisher: Institute of Geography and Regional Development, University of Wrocław, pp.205-230

Zagórski P., Rodzik J. & Strzelecki M.C., 2013. Coastal Geomorphology. In Zagórski P., Harasimuik M., Rodzik J. “The Geographical environment of NW part of Wedel Jarslberg Land (Spitsbergen, Svalbard)” University Marie Curie-Sklodowska Press 2013, Lublin, 212-247p.

Strzelecki M., 2008. Zmiany koncentracji zawiesiny i materiału rozpuszczonego wzdłuż rzeki Bertram, Spitsbergen Środkowy. [w]: Środowisko przyrodnicze obszarów polarnych. A. Kowalska, A. Latocha, H. Marszałek i  J. Pereyma (red.). Wrocław 2008. Wydawnictwo GAIT    


Rosser, N., Vann Jones, E., Long, A., Waugh, S., Szczucinski, W., Strzelecki, M., "Listening to the Arctic: A proof-of-concept study into short-term iceberg dynamics", NERC Geophysical Equipment Facility, Scientific Report 984, 2015

Małecki J., Buchwał A., Rachlewicz G., Rymer K., Strzelecki M., Wawrzyniak T., 2011:  Environmental studies in northern Billefjorden – Institute of Geoecology and Geoinformation A. Mickiewicz University 15th Expedition – Svalbard 2010. [In]: G. Rachlewicz and K. Małecki (eds.): Institute of Geoecology and Geoinformation A. Mickiewicz University Polar Reports, vol. 1. Bogucki Wydawnictwo Naukowe, Poznań, ISBN 978-83-62662-57-9. 46 p.

Zwoliński Z., Koszela S., Makowska M., Mizgajski A., Piotrowski K., Samołyk M., Strzelecki M., Szczucińska A., Rachlewicz G., 2006. Raport z badań terenowych wyprawy Wydziału Nauk Geograficznych i Geologicznych Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu „Svalbard 2006”. Ms. WNGiG UAM, 30 p.

Czerniawska J., Ewertowski M., Górska-Zabielska M., Hojan M., Kasprzak L., Kostrzewski A., Koszela S., Makowska M., Markiewicz P., Mucha A.M., Rachlewicz G., Strzelecki M., Szczuciński W., Zapotoczna A., Zwoliński Z., 2005. Raport z badań terenowych wyprawy Wydziału Nauk Geograficznych i Geologicznych Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu „Svalbard 2005”. Ms. WNGiG UAM, 41 p.

My Curriculum Vitae (CV)
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This is our first blog post, therefore we would like to start  it with a good message and show how scientific community may work together with the society. The recent report of the state of Arctic Coasts (Forbes et al. 2011 - documented a complex picture of  rapidly changing circumpolar coastal environments. The key findings of this seminal work  emphasize the role of limited duration and extent of sea ice, degradation of permafrost, storm-surges and
Uniwersytet WrocławskiFoundation for Polish ScienceInnovative Economy - National Cohesion StrategyEuropean Union - European Regional Development Fund website is a contribution to the „Assessment of impact of coastal hazards on scientific and community infrastructure in polar regions using remote sensing, geoinformation and new geomorphological mapping methods'” project is carried-out within the HOMING PLUS programme of the Foundation for Polish Science, cofinanced from the European Union under the European Regional Development Fund